Essential articulations
- Normale – normal playing
- Près de la table – near the soundboard
- Flageolet – harmonics
- Sons étouffés – damped (sus ped up)
- Laissez vibrer – let ring (sus ped down)
- Bisbigliando – unmeasured trem
- Glissandi – sweeps
- Harp main techniques
- Harp glissandi legato
- Harp glissandi manual
Individual patches
- Bisbigliando
- Flageolet
- FX
- Normale
- Slid
Other brushes
- Harp main techniques - The Punch COG
- Harposphere Synth - Atmoss
- Harposphere Synth - Bass of the 80s
- Harposphere Synth - BatCave Pad (MW verb)
- Harposphere Synth - Emptiness
- Harposphere Synth - Ghosts in the system
- Harposphere Synth - Growler Pad (MW verb)
- Harposphere Synth - Grungeslap Hit
- Harposphere Synth - Impact Sub
- Harposphere Synth - Jangle Pad
- Harposphere Synth - Letting of Steam
- Harposphere Synth - Longwarble Hit
- Harposphere Synth - Matrix Pad (MW verb)
- Harposphere Synth - Oldman
- Harposphere Synth - Popping corns
- Harposphere Synth - Pulsar Pad (MW verb)
- Harposphere Synth - SubBass decay
- Harposphere Synth - SysErr Pad (MW verb)
- Harposphere Synth - They're back
- Harposphere Synth - Timelord Pad (MW verb)
- Harposphere Synth - Ting Thing slowattack
- Harposphere Synth - Ting Thing
- Harposphere Synth - Tonehit Low
- Harposphere Synth - Toys
- Harposphere Synth - Trailerhit Gentle
- Harposphere Synth - Trickles
- Harposphere Synth - Unpleasant Pad (MW verb)
- Harposphere Synth - ZooConga mid & hi
- Close
- Tree
- Ambient