Cinematic rhythms
- Alien distortions 2 metal mw cool filter
- Alien distortions 2 mw cool filter
- Alien distortions metal mw cool filter
- Alien distortions mw cool filter
- Awesome metal chime pad and pad mw sweeping filter
- Awesome tension arp in c 2 mw sweeping filter
- Awesome tension arp in c 3 mw sweeping filter
- Awesome tension arp in c 4 mw stammer gate
- Awesome tension arp in c 4b mw stammer gate
- Awesome tension arp in c 5 mw stammer gate
- Awesome tension arp in c 5a mw stammer gate
- Awesome tension arp in c mw sweeping filter
- Awesome tension arp in ca mw sweeping filter
- Bass distortions metal mw cool filter
- Bass distortions mw cool filter
- Cool distort 1 metal mw cool filter
- Cool distort 1 mw cool filter
- Cool distort 2 metal mw cool filter
- Cool distort 2 mw cool filter
- Cool one noters metal mw cool filter
- Cool one noters mw cool filter
- Deep drone metal mw gate
- Deep drone metal mw sweeping filter
- Deep drone mw sweeping filter
- Glass chime pad and pad mw sweeping filter
- Glassarp mw gate
- Great tension arp in c 2 mw sweeping filter
- Great tension arp in c 3 mw sweeping filter
- Great tension arp in c 4 mw stammer gate
- Great tension arp in c 5 mw stammer gate
- Great tension arp in c mw sweeping filter
- Loud glass and pad mw sweeping filter
- Mellow gamelan 2 mw interesting gate
- Mellow gamelan mw interesting gate
- Mellow gamelan pad mw interesting gate
- Mellower gamelan 2 mw interesting gate
- Mellower gamelan mw interesting gate
- Mellower gamelan pad mw interesting gate
- Metalarp mw gate
- Nice distortion metal mw cool filter
- Nice distortion mw cool filter
- Play quiet arp metal mw gate
- Play quiet arp mw gate
- Slow filtrations 1 metal mw lpf
- Slow filtrations 1 mw lpf
- Slow filtrations 2 metal mw lpf
- Slow filtrations 2 mw lpf
- Slow filtrations 3 metal mw lpf
- Slow filtrations 3 mw lpf
- Slow filtrations 4 distorted mw lpf
- Slow filtrations 4 metal distorted mw lpf
- Stammer chords metal mw cool filter
- Stammer chords mw cool filter
- Tense metal and pad mw sweeping filter
- Tense poking arp metal mw sweeping filter
- Tense poking arp mw sweeping filter
- The doctor 2 metal mw stammer gate
- The doctor 2 mw stammer gate
- The doctor metal mw stammer gate
- The doctor mw stammer gate
- Trashy chimes metal mw cool filter gate
- Trashy chimes mw cool filter gate
- Where that bass come from 1 metal mw cool filter
- Where that bass come from 1 mw cool filter
- Where that bass come from 2 metal mw cool filter
- Where that bass come from 2 mw cool filter
Cinematic systems
- Amazing rubs mw stammer
- Amazing rubs w metal sub tones mw stammer
- Amazing rubs w metal sub tones saturated mw stammer
- Bowed glass organ fatter metal sub bass 2 mw stammer
- Bowed glass organ fatter metal sub bass mw stammer
- Bowed glass organ fatter mw stammer
- Bowed glass organ mw stammer
- Chimes n bows mw stammer
- Clarvis' gamelan mw stammer
- Clarvis' soft gamelan 2 mw stammer
- Clarvis' soft gamelan mw stammer
- Confused harmonics metal mw stammer
- Confused harmonics mw stammer
- Dark to bright mw stammer
- Deep glass mw stammer
- Deep glass n metal mw stammer
- Deep pretty glass mw stammer
- Fat bells mw stammer
- Filtering glass mw stammer
- Goblet ostinato mw stammer
- Goblet ostinato soft mw stammer
- Great metal bass 2 mw stammer
- Great metal bass mw stammer
- Lovely ostinato mw stammer
- Mellow bells mw stammer
- Metal sub bass distorted mw stammer
- Metal sub bass distorted n rubs mw stammer
- Metal sub bass mw stammer
- Metal sub bass n bows mw stammer
- Mixed bows mw stammer
- Nolan ostinato mw stammer
- Play really softly for best osts mw stammer
- Play softly for best osts mw stammer
- Shimmering harmonics mw stammer
- Shimmering metal hits 2 mw stammer
- Shimmering metal hits 3 mw stammer
- Shimmering metal hits 4 mw stammer
- Shimmering metal thumps mw stammer
- Simple for simple ostinati 2 mw stammer
- Simple for simple ostinati mw stammer
- Simple ostinato mw stammer
- Super sub mw stammer
- Theres a special e in there mw stammer
- Thriller bells mw stammer
- Un-filtering glass mw stammer
Construction kits
- Creator patch - By hz (motorfx - Notch, Distortion and EQ)
- Creator patch - By hz (motorfx - Phaser, LO-FI, Saturator)
- Creator patch - By hz (motorfx - Skreamer, Stereo and Vowel)
- Creator patch - Tempo Synced (motorfx - Notch, Distortion and EQ)
- Creator patch - Tempo Synced (motorfx - Phaser, LO-FI, Saturator)
- Creator patch - Tempo Synced (motorfx - Skreamer, Stereo and Vowel)
Disturbed morphs
- A matter of glass mw is stutter
- Alien distortions metal mw cool filter
- Alien distortions mw cool filter
- Amongst the planets
- Awesome stammer chords metal subs mw cool filter
- Awesome stammer chords mw cool filter
- Bass distortions mental version mw cool filter
- Bass distortions mw cool filter
- Chinese dulcimer mw stammer gate
- Chinese dulcimer n metal mw stammer gate
- Chinese radiohead metalised mw cool filter
- Chinese radiohead mw cool filter
- Deep church chime metal play quiet mw sweeping filter
- Deep church chime mw sweeping filter
- Distorium - mw cool filter
- Distorium metal - mw cool filter
- Distorted harmonic series mw cool filter
- Distorted me in c mw sweeping filter
- Flutter bass 2 mw cool filter
- Icy infinity
- Light shimmer
- Lovely phasing chimes metal mw cool filter
- Lovely phasing chimes mw cool filter
- Low hits mw lpf
- Mellow gamelan 2 metal mw interesting gate
- Mellow gamelan 2 mw interesting gate
- Mellow gamelan mw interesting gate
- Metal kick drum plucks mw cool filter
- Metal timps mw sweeping filter
- Metallic atmos
- Ostinato me in c mw sweeping filter
- Ostinato me mw stammer gate
- Out of space
- Out of tune mellow bells mw lpf
- Phat kiss mw lpf
- Phatt laser mw laser-ness
- Pluck bass mw lpf n verb
- Pounding beauty
- Respiro - press 3 notes mw is filter
- Rubbed deep chime mw sweeping filter
- Sizzling gamelan mw interesting gate
- Slow metal hit mw sweeping filter
- Stammer bells distorted mw gate
- Stammer bells mw gate
- The confused phaser mw
- The sweet spot
- Too much filth mw filtration
- Trashy chimes mw cool filter gate
- Yorke's absolute fave mw sweeping filter
- Yorke's fave mw sweeping filter
Hand blown pads
- Abandoned factory
- Absolute epic pad - hit hard for distortion
- Aurora polaris
- Broken glass
- Completely flanged
- Distant silence mw is stutter
- Headless ghosts
- Hot steel
- Ice storm mw is intensity
- Infinity
- Magic glassphere
- Metal mess mw insane
- Nerveous breakdown mw is res
- Rising pad
- Serenity pad
- Simple pad
- Steam glass mw is chorus
- Steelful beauty mw is woah
- Subtle sparkle
- The ice organ
- Underwater world
- Uneasy weeping
- Watery comfort
Raw glass and steel
- Ceramic - ceramic - water
- Ceramic - ceramic mug - water
- Ceramic - enameled mug - water
- Glass - alsace - water
- Glass - alsace
- Glass - brandy
- Glass - cafetiere 8cup - water
- Glass - cafetiere 8cup
- Glass - cafetiere 12cup - water
- Glass - cafetiere 12cup
- Glass - ceramic mug
- Glass - ceramic
- Glass - clarvis beater
- Glass - clarvis bowed long
- Glass - clarvis bowed ring combo
- Glass - clarvis bowed short
- Glass - clarvis hand
- Glass - clarvis nail
- Glass - clarvis pinched
- Glass - clarvis ring long
- Glass - clarvis ring short
- Glass - cordial - water
- Glass - cordial
- Glass - enameled mug
- Glass - facecooler - water
- Glass - facecooler
- Glass - goblet - water
- Glass - goblet
- Glass - sherry - water
- Glass - sherry
- Glass - small fishbowl - water
- Glass - small fishbowl
- Glass - stemless - water
- Glass - stemless
- Glass - tumbler - water
- Glass - tumbler
- Glass - wine standard - water
- Glass - wine standard
- Glass - wine toka - water
- Glass - wine toka
- Steel - hat bowl
- Steel - heavy bowl l
- Steel - heavy bowl m
- Steel - measuring cup l
- Steel - measuring cup m
- Steel - measuring cup s
- Steel - shallow bowl l
- Steel - shallow bowl m
- Steel - shallow bowl s
- Steel - square jug
- Steel - tall bowl
- Steel - thin jug