Uist orchestral
Brass hi
Long notes (tonal)
- 01 Moving Longs
- 02 Longs Into Flutter
- 03 Slur Into Pulsing Rhythm Crescendo
- 04 Pulsing Rhythm Into Slur
- 05 Harsh Flutter
- 06 Half Valve
- 07 Slow Quater Tone Vibrato
- 08 Chromatic Cluster MW
- 09 Quarter Tone Cluster MW
Long notes CS (tonal)
- 01 Moving Longs CS
- 02 Longs Into Flutter CS
- 03 Slur Into Pulsing Rhythmics CS
- 04 Pulsing Rhythm Into Slur CS
- 05 Quarter Tone Cluster Marcato CS
Phrases (atonal)
- 01 Quasi Gliss Ascending Crescendo
- 02 Quasi Gliss Decending Crescendo
- 03 Rising Flutter
- 04 Falling Flutter
- 05 Rising Staccato
- 06 Falling Staccato
- 07 Pulsing Slide Up
- 08 Pulsing Slide Down
- 09 Random Legato Semi Trills
- 10 Short Marcato Up
- 11 Short Marcato Down
- 12 Falling Quarter Tones
- 13 Rising Quarter Tones
- 14 Rising Flurry
- 15 Falling Flurry
- 16 Flutter Fall and Rise
Phrases (tonal)
- 01 Chromatic Compound Phrases
- 02 Falling Chromatics
- 03 Rising Chromatics
- 04 Pulsing Crescendo and Diminuendo
- 05 Slow Glissando
- 06 Marcato Unison to Cluster Up
- 07 Marcato Unison to Cluster Down
- 08 Fall into Trill
- 09 Trill into Rise
Stabs (tonal)
- 01 Tenuto Cluster
- 02 Tenuto Cluster Bend (Down)
- 03 Tenuto Cluster Bend (Up)
- 04 Triplet Cluster (Up)
- 05 Triplet Cluster (Down)
- 06 Flutter Tenuto
- 07 Falls (Quarter Range)
- 08 Rises (Quarter Range)
- 09 Messy Rapid Falls
- 10 Messy Rapid Rises
- 11 Rip Up To Marcato (Chromatic) 01
- 12 Rip Up To Marcato (Chromatic) 02
- 13 Rip Up To Marcato (4th)
- 14 Rip Up To Marcato (Octave)
- 15 Rip Down To Marcato (Chromatic) 01
- 16 Rip Down To Marcato (Chromatic) 02
- 17 Rip Down To Marcato (4th)
- 18 Rip Down To Marcato (Octave)
Stings (tonal)
- 01 Long Diminuendo
- 02 Long Diminuendo Flutter
- 03 Long Quarter Tone Movement Diminuendo
- 04 Marcato Chromatic Diminuendo
- 05 Semitone Trill Chromatic Movement
- 06 Trem Chromatic Movement
- 07 Rapid to Slow Diminuendo
- 08 Diminuendo Trill
- 09 Free Small Gliss Diminuendo
- 10 Half Valve Gliss Falls
- 11 Half Valve Gliss Rises
- 12 Gliss Up To fortepiano Glissed
- 13 Gliss Down to fortepiano Gliss
- 14 Full Range Rips and Trill Crescendo
- 15 Full Range Rips and Trill Dim
- 16 Falling Chromatic Patterns
- 17 Slowly Rising Crescendo
- 18 Falling Quasi Gliss Semitones
- 19 Quick Marcato Attack Diminuendo
- 20 Randomised Movements
- 21 Staccato Bursts Diminuendo
- 22 Falling Marcato
- 23 Quarter Tone Vib Diminuendo
- 24 Flutter Diminuendo
- 25 Accented Semitone Trill Diminuendo
- 26 Quick Diminuendo Falls
- 27 Quick Diminuendo Rises
- 28 Fade Out
- 29 Horn Rip Up Senza Dim RR
- 30 Trumpet Rip Up Senza Dim RR
- 31 Horn Rip Into Semi Trill RR
- 32 Trumpet Rip Into Semi Trill RR
- 33 Horn Rip Into Flutter RR
- 34 Trumpet Rip Into Flutter RR
- 35 Chromatic Rip Up Senza Dim RR
- 36 Long Crecendo
- 37 Long Crescendo Flutter
- 38 Marcato Chromatic Crescendo
- 39 Slow To Rapid Crescendo
- 40 Crescendo Trill
- 41 Chromatic Crescendo to Rise
- 42 Rising Chromatic Crescendo
- 43 Quick Marcato Attack Crescendo
- 44 Staccato Burst Crescendo
- 45 Quarter Tone Vib Crescendo
- 46 Fade In
Textures (atonal)
- 01 Intense Chromatic Chatter MW
- 02 Random Chromatic Legato Movement
- 03 Random Chromatic Legato Movement (Half Valve)
- 04 Random Chromatic Bursts MW
- 05 Random Single Note Attacks MW
- 06 Random Burst Semitone Trills MW
- 07 Fast Legato Chromatic Notes MW
- 08 Constant Rising MW
- 09 Constant Falling MW
- 10 Slow Half Valve Chromatic Gliss (Up)
- 11 Slow Half Valve Chromatic Gliss (Down)
- 12 Lip Gliss Sempre
- 13 Clusters (Up) MW
Textures (tonal)
- 01 Quarter Tone Fast Vibrato MW
- 02 Slow Quarter Note Bends MW
- 03 Quarter Tone Dynamic Movement
- 04 Chromatic Dynamic Movement
- 05 Whole Tone Dynamic Movement
Brass low
Long notes (tonal)
- 01 Moving Longs
- 02 Longs Into Flutter
- 03 Slur Into Pulsing Rhythm
- 04 Pulsing Rhythm Into Slur
- 05 Harsh Flutter
- 06 Slow Quart Tone Vib
- 07 Chromatic Cluster MW
- 08 Quarter Tone Cluster MW
- 09 Chromatic Slides
Long notes CS (tonal)
- 01 Moving Longs CS
- 02 Longs Into Flutter CS
- 03 Slur Into Pulsing Rhythm CS
- 04 Pulsing Rhythm Into Slur CS
- 05 Harsh Flutter CS
- 06 Quarter Tone Clusters CS
Phrases (atonal)
- 01 Quasi Gliss Ascending Cresc
- 02 Quasi Gliss Descending Cresc
- 03 Rising Flutter
- 04 Falling Flutter
- 05 Rising Stacc
- 06 Falling Stacc
- 07 Pulsing Slide (Up)
- 08 Pulsing Slide (Down)
Phrases (tonal)
- 01 Chromatic Compound Phrases
- 02 Falling Chromatics
- 03 Rising Chromatics
- 04 Pulsing Cresc And Dim
- 05 Slow Gliss
- 06 Short Marc (Up)
- 07 Short Marc (Down)
- 08 Falling Quarter Notes
- 09 Rising Quarter Notes
- 10 Marcato Unison To Cluster Up
- 11 Marcato Unison To Cluster Down
- 12 Flutter Rise And Fall
- 13 Flutter Fall And Rise
- 14 Slide Up Light Crescendo
- 15 Slide Down Large Crescendo
- 16 Slide Down Slight Crescendo
- 17 Slide Up Large Crescendo
- 18 Slide Up And Down With Dynamics
Stabs (tonal)
- 01 Tenutocluster
- 02 Tenuto Cluster Bend (Down)
- 03 Triplet Cluster (Up)
- 04 Triplet Cluster (Down)
- 05 Tenuto Semi Trill
- 06 Flutter Tenuto
- 07 Messy Rapid Falls
- 08 Messy Rapid Rises
- 09 Unison Rip Gliss (Up)
- 10 Unison Rip Gliss (Down)
- 11 Chromatic Gliss (Up)
- 12 Chromatic Gliss (Down)
Stings (tonal)
- 01 Long Diminuendo
- 02 Long Diminuendo Flutter
- 03 Long Quarter Tone Movement Dim
- 04 Marcato Chromatic Diminuendo
- 05 Rapid To Slow Diminuendo
- 06 Diminuendo Small Gliss
- 07 Compound Chromatic Slides Diminuendo
- 08 Wild Rips Diminuendo
- 09 Dynamic Slides Over Chatter
- 10 Slowly Rising Crescendo
- 11 Falling Quasi Gliss Semitones
- 12 Quick Marcato Attack Diminuendos
- 13 Randomised Movements
- 14 Staccato Bursts Diminuendo
- 15 Quarter Vibrato With Slide Diminuendo
- 16 Flutter Diminuendo
- 17 Accented Semitone Wobble With Slide
- 18 Quick Diminuendo Falls
- 19 Quick Diminuendo Falls
- 20 Fadeout
- 21 Unison Rip Gliss
- 22 Unison Rip Into Flutter
- 23 Unison Rip Into Wild Shake
- 24 Rip Into Chromatic Cluster
- 25 Rip Into Chromatic Flutter
- 26 Rip Into Chromatic Wild Shake
- 27 Long Crescendo
- 28 Long Crescendo Flutter
- 29 Marcato Chromatic Crescendo
- 30 Slow To Rapid Crescendo
- 31 Compound Chromatic Slide Crescendo
- 32 Quick Marcato Attack Crescendo
- 33 Staccato Burst Crescendo
- 34 Quarter Tone Vibrato Crescendo
- 35 Fade In
Textures (atonal)
- 01 Intense Chromatic Chatter MW
- 02 Random Chromatic Legato Movement
- 03 Slow Chromatic Legato Movement
- 04 Random Chromatic Bursts MW
- 05 Random Single Note Attacks MW
- 06 Random Burst Semi Trills MW
- 07 Fast Legato Chromatic Bursts MW
- 08 Constant Rising MW
- 09 Constant Falling MW
- 10 Slow Half Valve Chromatic Gliss (Up) MW
- 11 Slow Half Valve Chromatic Gliss (Down) MW
- 12 Random Chromatic Rips
- 13 Slow Decending Vib
- 14 Rising Semitone Trill MW
- 15 Falling Semitone Trill MW
- Textures (Tonal)
- 01 Lip Gliss Sempre
- 02 Quarter Tone Fast Vib MW
- 03 Slow Quarter Note Bends MW
- 04 Soft Steady Falling Gliss
- 05 Soft Steady Rising Gliss
- 06 Steady Tongued Falling Gliss
- 07 Steady Tongued Rising Gliss
- 08 Quarter Tone Dynamic Movement
- 09 Chromatic Dynamic Movement
- 10 Whole Tone Dynamic Movement
- 11 Rapid Chromatic Dynamic Movement
- 12 Rapid Whole Tone Dynamic Movement
- 13 Rapid Tritone Dynamic Movement
Strings hi
Long notes (tonal)
- 01 Moving Sul Pont
- 02 Senza Vib To Sul Pont
- 03 Senza Vib To Trem
- 04 Trem To Senza Vib
- 05 Heavy Bow Distorted
- 06 Fragile Sul Pont
- 07 Quarter Tone Vib
- 08 Light Random Trem
Phrases (atonal)
- 01 Random Pulse Bow To Uni (Down)
- 02 Random Pulse Bow To Uni (Up)
- 03 Dense Trems (Down)
- 04 Dense Trems (Up)
- 05 Molto Pont 16th (Up)
- 06 Molto Pont 16th (Down)
- 07 Pulsing Gliss (Up)
- 08 Pulsing Gliss (Down)
- 09 Heavy Random Harmonics
- 10 Flourish (Up)
- 11 Flourish (Down)
- 12 Full Range Gliss (Up) MW
- 13 Full Range Gliss (Down) MW
- 14 Trem Full Range Gliss (Down) MW
- 15 Trem Full Range Gliss (Up) MW
- 16 Marcato Gliss (Up)
- 17 Wobble Gliss (Up) MW
- 18 Wobble Gliss (Down) MW
- 19 Trem Wobbly Gliss (Down) MW
- 20 Trem Wobbly Gliss (Up) MW
- 21 Soft Attack Gliss (Up)
Phrases (tonal)
- 01 Wobblig Glide (Down)
- 02 Wobbling Glide (Up)
- 03 Light Phrase (Up)
- 04 Light Phrase (Down)
- 05 Senza Vib to Trem and Back
- 06 Poco to Molto Pont Clusters
- 07 Marcato run (Up)
- 08 Marcato run (Down)
- 09 Quarter movements (Up)
- 10 Quarter movements (Down)
- 11 Marcato Triplets Uni to Clusters
- 12 Marcato Triplets Clusters to Uni
- 13 Crescendo Uni to Clusters
- 14 Crescendo Clusters to Uni
- 15 Moving Trem Pont Clusters (Up)
- 16 Moving Trem Pont Clusters (Down
- 17 Half Range Gliss (Up) MW
- 18 Quarter Range Gliss (Up) MW
- 19 Half Range Gliss (Down) MW
- 20 Quarter Range Gliss (Down) MW
- 21 Trem Half Range Gliss (Down) MW
- 22 Trem Quarter Range Gliss (Down) MW
- 23 Trem Half Range Gliss (Up) MW
- 24 Trem Quarter Range Gliss (Up) MW
Stabs (tonal)
- 01 Sul Pont Cluster Tenuto
- 02 Sul Pont Cluster Tenuto (Slide down)
- 03 Sul Pont Cluster Tenuto (Slide up)
- 04 Sul Pont Triplet Cluster (Slide up)
- 05 Sul Pont Triplet Cluster (Slide down)
- 06 Semitone Trill Tenuto
- 07 Trem Tenuto
- 08 Falls (Quarter range)
- 09 Rises (Quarter range)
- 10 Heavy Bow Distorted
- 11 Sul Pont Disco falls
- 12 Sul Pont Disco rises
- 13 Triplet Jump Clusters (Up)
- 14 Triplet Jump Clusters (Down)
- 15 Molto Pont Trem (Up)
- 16 Trill Gliss
- 17 Falls (Half range)
- 18 Rises (Half range)
- 19 Cluster Sharp Gliss
Stings (tonal)
- 01 Sul Pont Senza Vib
- 02 Trem Molto Sul Pont
- 03 Moving Sul Pont Senza Vib
- 04 Bowed Molto Sul Pont
- 05 Trilled Molto Sul Pont
- 06 Trem Molto Sul Pont
- 07 Rapid to Slow Muted
- 08 Diminuendo Trill
- 09 Diminuendo Sul Pont Small Gliss
- 10 Szforz Cluster Falls
- 11 Gliss Up to Forte Piano Glissing
- 12 Gliss Down to Forte Piano Glissing
- 13 Molto Pont Gliss
- 14 Heavy Bow Pressure Gliss
- 15 Behind the Bridge Movement
- 16 Szforz Trilled Glissandi
- 17 Rebowed Glisses
- 18 Trilled Rise Cresc
- 19 Heavy Bow Falls
- 20 Finger Trem Glissandi
- 21 Quick Sul Pont Attack Dims
- 22 Randomised Movements
- 23 Sul Pont Richochet
- 24 Falling Sul Pont
- 25 Sul Pont Quarter Trill Dim
- 26 Sul Pont Quarter Trill Crescendo
- 27 Accented Pont Semi Trill Dim
- 28 Forte Piano Quarter Tone Trem Crescendo
- 29 Forte Piano Quarter Tone Trem Dim
- 30 Sul Pont Dim Falls
- 31 Sul Pont Dim Rises
- 32 Sforz Molto Pont Small Slide
- 33 Sforz Molto Vib and Pont
- 34 Sforz Sul Pont Harmonics
- 35 Sul Pont Hard Downs Soft Up
- 36 Sul Pont Dum Slide to Harmonic
- 37 Sul Pont Slide To Hard Bow
- 38 Pizz Soft Chatter
- 39 Pizz with Gliss
- 40 Sul Pont Chatter Diminuendo
- 41 Szforz Molto
- 42 Col Legno Fadeout
- 43 Molto Pont Quarter Tone Trill Diminuendo
Textures (atonal)
- 01 Intense Chromatic Chatter MW
- 02 Random Chromatic Legato Movement
- 03 Random Ricochet Attacks MW
- 04 Random Pizz Chatter MW
- 05 Random Col Legno Chatter MW
- 06 Fast Legato Chromatic Notes MW
- 07 Constant Rising MW
- 08 Constant Falling MW
- 09 PocoPont Glissempre
- 10 Free Bow Clusters (Up) MW
- 11 Free Bow Clusters (Down) MW
- 12 Sul Pont Slide into Bowing (Down)
- 13 Sul Pont Slide into Bowing (Quick)
- 14 Sul Pont Slide into Bowing (Up)
- 15 Sul Fast Harmonic Gliss MW
- 16 Behind the Bridge fast move MW
Textures (tonal)
- 01 Sul Pont Quarter Tone Trill MW
- 02 NonVib Sul Pont Quarter Bends MW
Strings low
Long notes (tonal)
- 01 Moving Sul Pont
- 02 Senza Vib to Sul Pont
- 03 Senza Vib to Trem
- 04 Trem to Senza Vib
- 05 Heavy Bow Distorted
- 06 Fragile Sul Pont
- 07 Quarter Tone Vibrato
- 08 Light Random Trem
Phrases (atonal)
- 01 Random Pulse Bow To Uni (Down)
- 02 Random Pulse Bow To Uni (Up)
- 03 Dense Trems (Down)
- 04 Dense Trems (Up)
- 05 Molto Pont 16th (Up)
- 06 Molto Pont 16th (Down)
- 07 Pulsing Gliss (Up)
- 08 Pulsing Gliss (Down)
- 09 Heavy Random Harmonics
- 10 Flourish (Up)
- 11 Flourish (Down)
- 12 Full Range Gliss (Up)
- 13 Trem Full Range Gliss (Up)
- 14 Full Range Gliss (Down)
- 15 Trem Full Range Gliss (Down)
- 16 Marcato Gliss (Up)