The Albion Orchestra
Iceni Sessions
- Lo Shorts
- Shorts Extras
- Longs
- Legato
- Rips Down
- Rips Up
- FX 1 FX 2 FX 3 FX 4
- Lo Shorts
- Longs Nasty
- Longs
- Legato
- Rips Down
- Rips Up
- FX 1 FX 2 FX 3 FX 4
String lo (full low section)
- Short Stacc
- Longs,
- Legato
- Legato (port)
String lo (cellos) A LH
- Shorts
- Longs
- Longs CS
- Legato A
- Legato A (port)
String lo (cellos) B RH
- Shorts
- Longs
- Longs CS
- Legato A
- Legato A (port)
Darwin Percussion III
- Taiko
- Bass Drums
- Table Taiko
- Medium Low Taiko
- Orange Drum
- Small Taiko 1
- Small Taiko 2
- Table Taiko + Orange Drum
Brunel Loops III
- The Flight A Loops
- Banjo Detune 6-8 100bpm
- Broody Music Box 4-4 87bpm
- Click Echo 4-4 65bpm
- Clocks BIG 4-4 120bpm
- Drive 4-4 80bpm
- Ellis2 4-4 75bpm
- Ellis4 80bpm (Triplet Feel)
- Fack Bass 4-4 100bpm
- Fackhead 4-4 110bpm
- Harry Bass1 4-4 130bpm
- Harry Bass3 6-8 90bpm
- Harry Bass5 4-4 85bpm
- Harry Triplet Clean 6-8 80bpm
- Harry Triplet Dirty 6-8 80bpm
- Kalimdetune 6-8 84bpm
- KNAS 6-8 105bpm
The Flight B Loops
- Medieval Swell 4-4 65bpm
- Mic Dirge 4-4 100bpm
- Moody Clavichord 4-4 90bpm
- Fack Bat 4-4 76.4bpm
- New Pasto 4-4 120bpm
- Pdaw Guitar 4-4 78bpm
- Predator 4-4 92bpm
- Ray Tube 4-4 110bpm
- Rogue Trader 6-8 90bpm
- Sea Swell 4-4 79bpm
- Steamloop 4-4 120bpm
- Stress Monkey 4-4 80bpm
- Sus Trem 4-4 90bpm
- Tabla 4-4 143bpm
- Ukedetune 4-4 85bpm
Christian's Loops
- Anger 100bpm
- Chopped Buzzpfer 120bpm
- Cultured Buzzpfer 80bpm
- Cultured Marauder 80bpm
- Cultured Monster 120bpm
- Cultured Westway 130bpm
- Dark Buzzpfer 80bpm
- Darker Buzzpfer 80bpm
- Fat Coaster 120bpm
- Lies Feedback
- Marauder 80bpm
- Monster Chess 1
- Monster Chess 2
- Monster Guitars Nasty 80bpm
- Monster Knocking 80bpm
- Plugageddon 110bpm
- Sliced Life 80bpm
- Sliced Light 80bpm
- Thunderarena 90bpm
- Westway 130bpm
Gabriel's Loops
- Alien 2 135bpm
- Complicit 94bpm
- Cranium Drill 88bpm
- Dark Funker 96bpm
- Destroy 120bpm
- Epic 2 130bpm
- Epic Mess 130bpm
- Flew 132bpm TM
- Industrial Darkness 120bpm
- Leaving It 118bpm TM
- Loosing Touch 120bpm TM
- Marching Party 135bpm TM
- Poppy Fields 65bpm TM
- Spun 2 142bpm
- Take Flight 145bpm TM
- Tough 127bpm
- Tribal Dirt 135bpm
- Under Duress 135bpm
- Hybrid A Loops
- Bouncer 90bpm
- Bouncing Grenade 84bpm
- Broodsome 87bpm
- Broodsome Fooked 87bpm
- Clecho 65 bpm
- Delhi 130bpm
- Dirgo 100bpm
- Donkey 80bpm
- Donkey Fooked 80bpm
- End Of The World 76.4bpm
- Filetrup 78bpm
- Fridge 80bpm
- Giant’s Causeway 85bpm
- GrabndStand 105bpm
- Headzone 110bpm
- Hybrid fix
Hybrid B Loops
- LineMan 65bpm
- Nodding 120bpm
- Not Very Happy 100bpm
- Not Very Fooked 100bpm
- Predate 92bpm
- Questions 100bpm
- Questions Fooked 100bpm
- Rattlesnake 75bpm
- Rider 80bpm
- Roguester 90bpm
- Rolling 80bpm
- Shantyesque 79bpm
- Simple Fuzzlatron 90bpm
- Subtronic 55bpm
- Supercool 80bpm
- Tablear 143bpm
- Trematron 90bpm
Stephenson's Steam Band III
- Steam Pads
- Archdeacon Dirty
- Archdeacon
- Archdeacon’s Stepwise
- Bass Wind
- Brass 1 ff Stereo Triangulator
- Brass 1 ff
- Brass 1 mf Stepwise
- Brass 1 mf
- Dark Organ + Mosquito & MWheel Rhythmics
- Dark Organ
- Deep Choir Rhythmatron
- Deep Choir
- Eerie Scrape
- Eirie Snow Storm
- Fagin Factory Inside
- Fagin Factory
- Fagin Through A Sea Shell
- Ghost Strings Stepped
- Ghost Strings
- Satanic Machinery Switched On
- Satanic Machinery
- Swamp Gate Gated
- Swamp Gate
- Wasteland Dissapates
- Wasteland Gated MW Down For Cool HHat
- Wasteland MW Down For Glitch Hi Hat
- Wasteland
- Steam Octavium
- Blow Brass 6ths
- Blow Brass 8ths
- Blow Brass 12ths
- Blow Brass 16ths
- Dirty Dream
- Dirty Mess
- Dirty Pan
- Dirty Woods 1
- Dirty Woods 2
- Gritty Brass 6ths
- Gritty Brass 8ths
- Gritty Brass 12ths
- Gritty Brass 16ths
- Gritty Brass Octaves 2 6ths 8ths 16ths
- Gritty Brass Octaves 8ths 12ths 16ths 6th feel
- Gritty Brass Swell Distort 6ths 8ths 12ths
- Strings 16th
- Strings Dirty 16th
- Strings Octave 8ths
- Woods 16ths
- Woods Dirty 16ths
Christian's sounds
- Alien Wub Wubs
- Angry Buzz
- BeeYoaw
- Bone Bass Pulse
- Boo-Daddler
- Bottom 8ve Angry Inlaw
- Bouncing Crocodillo
- Bouncing Vowelation 2
- Bouncing Vowelation
- Bouncing Waves Of Panic
- Bouncing Yeah Bear
- Destruction Wub Wubs
- Go Lo For SuperSub
- Gravy
- GZero G0 Funk
- GZero G0 Triplet Funk
- Hades
- Hit GZERO for G0
- HockAish – Play Deep
- Moaning Sawtooth
- Play Deep
- Play Joined Up Start Lo for Nasty Hi for Nice
- PlayHard
- Popcorn
- School Vowel Band 2
- School Vowel Band
- Short For Vowel Joined Up For Bass
- Simple Fuzz Pulser
- Speaker Thump
- Start Lo & Play Joined Up
- Stepwise Filling Loosener Phased
- Stepwise Filling Loosener
- Stepwise Funkotronic Vowel Generator
- Sub Wobbler
- SUBlime
- Subtronic Mosquito Step Vowels
- Super Sub Pulse and Short Stuff
- Sustainotron
- Tempo Sync Wurler
- Tempo Tantrum
- Tempo Wab Wabs
- Tempo Warble
- Tempomental
- Tempoture Is Rising & Falling
- Tempyoyo
- Triplet Squelcher
- Vel vs Vowel Sensitive Jaw Harp
- Yello Brick Tempo’d & Distressed
- Yello Brick Tempo’d
Gabriel's sounds
- Ambient Bass
- Beam Me Up Scapula
- Conducive Reality
- Dance Filler
- End The Belt
- Funky Mother
- Groove Bass
- Hard End Push
- Ion
- Journey
- Konducive Dreams
- Likeya
- Mini Synth
- Nonsensical
- Open Corridor Guitar
- Percussive Hits
Quandary of molluscs
- Rough Seas
- Sheet Organ
- Submerged Singers
- Talk To Me
- Under Strain
- Velvet Grime
- Wobble Fingers
- X-Ray Focus
- Yet To Rest
- Ze End
Raw orchestral synth
- Bent Strings
- Bone Bass Dirt 1
- Bone Bass Dirt 2
- Bone Bass Dirt 3
- Bone Bass DIrt Pulse 1
- Bone Bass Dirt Pulse 2
- Bone Bass
- Brass Bass
- Brass Filth
- Dirt String Bass 1
- Dirt String Bass 2
- Dirt String Bass 3
- Fart Bass 1
- Fart Bass 2
- Gritty Strings 1
- Gritty Strings 2
- Gritty Strings 3
- Scratch Bass 1
- Scratch Bass 2
- Scratch Bass 3
- Tape Grit 1
- Tape Grit 2
- Tape Grit Damped 1
- Tape Grit Damped 2
- Warped Winds 1
- Warped Winds 2
- Warped Winds 3
- Warped Winds Dirt
Cue starters
- Anessence Pulse
- Bass Glitch Pulse 2
- Bass Glitch Pulse 3
- Bass Glitch Pulse 4
- Bass Glitch Pulse
- Big and Nasty
- Bitey Vowel Pests 2
- Bitey Vowel Pests Also Good High
- Bitsy Bees 2
- Bitsy Bees
- Compressed Siblings
- Computer of the Raj
- Deaf Ears
- Entering The Stables
- Finalisation Seq
- Good Pulse Provided You Play In C
- Grape Pulse
- Grifter Pulse
- Head Spin
- Helicopter Ultimatum
- Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
- Mind Funk
- Sub With Dirty
- They’re Coming – Split
- Trade Pulse Detuned
- Trade Pulse Stereoficated
- Trade Pulse
- Unpredictable Sub Punch Pulse
- Vocodulation 2
- Vocodulation
Gabriel's auditorium
- Backstreet Fear
- Backstreet Loathing
- Battle Bridge
- Castra
- Cephalalgia
- Corieltauvi
- Cornovii
- Cult Of Esus
- Dark Opiate Terrors
- Dobunni
- Esupratus Esico
- Fenland Marshes
- Gullinbursti
- Harangue
- Heavy Marching
- Holding Ground
- Icknield Way
- Marching
- Prasutagus
- Roman Fever
- Stomp
- Wading Water
- Watling Street
- Close
- Tree
- Ambient
- Outrigger